The well-being of people and the planet is at the forefront of all that we do.

Our promise to you: We take our responsibility to the environment and our customers seriously.
Established in 1993 in San Rafael, California, the Ecology Works relocated to West Palm Beach, Florida in April 2003. Our company has grown from a small local business to a world-wide brand. We remain true to the core values that stand the test of time. The well-being of people and the planet is at the forefront of all that we do.
At The Ecology Works, we care deeply about our customers and our magnificent planet, which is why we constantly strive to make our products more sustainable. From the 100% biodegradable formulas of our Anti-Allergen Laundry Detergent and Anti-Allergen Solution to our VOC-free all-in-one cleaner and EPA-registered disinfectant Vital Oxide, and the 100% solar-powered manufacturing plant that produces our Anti-Allergen Pet Shampoo in recycled PET bottles; every product we make comes with the promise that we are actively working toward environmentally-sound products that enhance the quality of life.
Our products help safeguard homes, schools, hospitals, and other community environments from harmful bacteria, malodors, viruses, allergens, and environmental toxins.
Many of us work to make daily individual choices that positively impact our environment, as minor as they may seem. Sometimes our good intentions are taken advantage of and used as yet another way to market products. Often the "green choices" we are offered are watered-down versions of old formulations, "now less toxic" products that no longer work. Simply calling a product “green” on the label doesn’t make it so. We take a firm stance on this "green-washing." "Green" cannot be merely a marketing slogan that promotes questionable products. This is why we carefully and thoroughly test each product for environmental responsibility, as well as true effectiveness.
Our promise to you: We take our responsibility to the environment and our customers seriously. Green is our passion, our way of life; do no harm, our ethos.
The Ecology Works seeks technologies that mirror Earth's own solutions. We believe the organic structures of life are a map to follow in designing sustainable solutions to the challenges of modern life. Biodiversity is essential to our survival; we must protect it. The spider has woven silk many times stronger and more flexible than our present synthetics; mushrooms can absorb toxic heavy metals from our water supply. The sun, wind, and tides are ready, willing, and able to take over the charge of energy supplies. Global warming is no longer a theory. We must act now. Many great discoveries await us. Many small acts of kindness shall also be made. History will note the great discoveries. Yet it will be the often unnoticed, immediate, and personal acts of unselfish love and kindness that will add up to the sea of change in human awareness necessary to make this next step. Join us in this quest.